Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sexting Among Teens on the Rise, Says Study

By MIKAELA CONLEY | Good Morning America

Brian Kearney said that as a gay teenager, he missed out on the typical teenage love connections that most of his peers experienced in high school. He didn't have gay interactions, but apps and technologies allowed him to connect with gay men he otherwise wouldn't meet.

He was 17 when he sent his first sext, he said.

Is Sex Addiction a Real Disease?

Celebrities have made headlines in recent years citing "sex addiction" as a reason for their infidelity.

But is what's known to psychologists as "hypersexual disorder" a real pathology or just a lame excuse for bad behavior?

The issue is a real one, since there's been talk of including hypersexual disorder in the upcoming revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), considered the "bible" for psychologists.

Bluetooth-enabled Sex Toy Allows Long-distance Lovers to “Connect”

by Michelle

At last, technology has finally progressed enough to allow long distance sex to feel a little more like the real thing.

LovePalz, a pair of interactive sex toys that wirelessly connect via bluetooth, has revolutionized the way long distance couples interact by allowing them to digitally connect their…private parts.

Japanese Man Faces Criminal Charges for Cooking, Serving His Own Genitals at Private Tokyo Banquet

Sep 19, 2012 by 

Some of you internet aficionados may have heard the story of the 22-year-old Japanese man who cooked his own genitals and served them at a dinner party back in May, giving new meaning to the term “self serve.”

Japanese Man Faces Charges For Posting Erotic Comics to People’s Cars, “I Wanted People to Know My Talent”

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hormones and lovemaking during pregnancy

It's perfectly safe to enjoy lovemaking during your pregnancy, unless there are medical reasons why you should abstain for a while. Every pregnant woman has the potential to enjoy sex - and some enjoy it more than they've ever done before.

Hormones and sex
© Jupiter
How much you want and enjoy sex can vary during pregnancy, not only from one woman to another, but also in the same woman at different times throughout the 40 weeks. Most women feel less interested in lovemaking during the first trimester (especially if suffering from tiredness and nausea). Desire generally increases in the second trimester and declines again in the third.

Ask a Scientist: Should I Sleep in a Bra?

If you don't want to throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier...

The Scientist: Arthur Perry, M.D., YouBeauty Cosmetic Surgery Expert
The Answer: If you don’t want the girls to sag, then you’ll have to tuck them up before you tuck yourself in. It’s sad but true: Sleeping sans bra is the major cause of breast droop.

The Chemical Symphony of Attraction

Attraction results from the unique information gathered by all our senses.
arms around neck
Did you ever wonder what attracts you to one sort of person over another? What causes that feeling of alluring familiarity with someone you have just met...someone to whom you are inexorably drawn? Why can someone have everything you think you want, yet leave you feeling flat? 

Follow Your Nose to Your Soul Mate

Each of our senses plays a part in forming our attraction to our mates, but scent might be the strongest.

man and woman flirting at bar
Can you sniff out a good mate?

Studies have shown that women are highly attuned to smell — and for good reason. A study at the University of Bern in Switzerland found that women preferred the natural scent of a man (oh fine, his body odor!) who happened to be her best mating option — evolutionarily speaking. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Making love during pregnancy

You can make love whenever you want to, provided that you don't try to get too athletic and that there are no medical reasons for you to avoid sex. Good sex in pregnancy is not only very enjoyable, but also helps to prepare you for childbirth by keeping your pelvic muscles strong and supple. It helps strengthen your bonds with your partner, too, which will help you cope much better with the stresses of parenthood.

Chemicals to Avoid During Pregnancy Post 3: Retinol

by Jessica Kellner, Editor

As we pregnant women keep in mind what is entering our babies' bodies through our mouths and avoiding alcohol, processed foods, mercury in fish and food additives, we should also keep in mind what could be entering our babies' bodies through our skin. When we slather creams, lotions, moisturizers and sunscreens onto our bodies, they are absorbed into our bodies via our largest organ, where they are able to impact developing babies. 

Pheromones To Attract Women - Draw Women Through Scents

By Roberta Barrow
Pheromone is defined as the chemical that an animal secretes and attracts the opposite sex. It is thus no wonder why the use of pheromones will always be a part of attracting and seducing women. Using pheromones for attraction involves sending out signals by means of chemicals she can smell to make a woman feel aroused and feel attraction for a man very intensely. With pheromones, the woman will not even know why she feels uncontrollable attraction toward you. She simply feels that desire swelling up within her for you.

Flowers that Get You In the Mood for Love


An extravagant bouquet of your favorite blooms, hand-delivered by your honey, might indeed make your thoughts turn to love…and lovemaking. But there’s another way that blossoms can put you in the mood for romance—because flower-derived oral remedies called “essences” and topical essential oils can enhance libido naturally.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Odd Jobs: Deer Urine Farmer


Odd Jobs: Deer Urine Farmer
“Nobody is talking about how this upcoming election is going to effect small businesses like ours,” says Judi Collora, 61, the co-founder and co-owner of Mrs. Doe Pee’s Buck Lures in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. If Obama is reelected in November, she says, it could wreak havoc on the deer urine industry.

Odd Jobs: Professional Mermaid


Odd Jobs: Professional Mermaid
The worst part about being a mermaid, according to Staycy McConnell, a 31-year-old, full-time mermaid performer at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park in Florida, is all the swimming.
It may sound like a contradiction—not liking to swim when you’re a mermaid is like being a tax accountant who’s annoyed by math—but the job requires more time underwater than even the most skilled swimmer would be comfortable with. 

Odd Jobs: Professional Dog-Poop Remover


 DoodyCalls CEO Jacob D'Aniello and his wife Susan

Jacob D’Aniello, co-founder and chief executive officer of DoodyCalls, can imagine only one scenario in which his business could fail. “If one day, everybody in the world woke up and decided they loved picking up dog poop,” he says grimly. “If it suddenly became everybody’s favorite recreational activity, that would be a terrible day for us.”

Trend Watch: Fewer Co-Workers Wash Their Hands

Trend Watch: Fewer Co-Workers Wash Their Hands

Bored on the toilet at work, Jennifer Bodoh, an office manager for a design and remodeling company in Chicago, was catching up on Twitter. She was interrupted by a woman from a company down the hall who stormed in and pulled what Bodoh calls a “flush and run”—i.e., no washing. “Do I tweet this?” 

Delayed Gratification - I Wish You Enough

Habakkuk 3:1–19

In Habakkuk 2:2–3, God asks his prophet to record a vision of a future day—a day when the Lord will respond to injustice. 
Habakkuk 2:4 spells out that we are to live until that day “by his faithfulness,” not by sight. Habakkuk 3:3–15 reveals the content of the vision.

Habakkuk is deeply changed; his response in 3:16–19 clearly illustrates what it means to live by faith in God’s promise. After a moment’s recuperation from the cosmic events that he has just witnessed, the prophet declares, “I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us” (Hab 3:16). 

"And It Came To Pass ..." - the verse that changed one man's life forever ...

The story is told of a Sunday class that had been asked the question, "In your time of discouragement, what is your favorite Scripture?" A young man said, "the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want Psalm 23:1." 

A middle age woman said, "God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1." 

How High is Your Mountain?

Written by John Grant

Discover the power of a Spirit-filled life! Take our online study of the book of Galatians

Please open your Bible and read John 3:1-21.

“O LORD, when you favored me, you made my mountain.” Psalm 30:7

Friday, October 26, 2012

Why Men Like Pregnant Women

10 reasons why he wants sex during pregnancy.
By Dara Pettinelli 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Father God Feels About You

by Jack Hayford
How Father God Feels About YouThe story of the prodigal son, recorded in Luke 15, is often called the parable of the Father's heart. Jesus tells it, along with two other stories, not only in response to the seemingly "heart-less" religionists of His day, but also for you and me to know what is the Father's heart toward us.

Jesus tells of a man with two sons, one of whom asked for his inheritance in advance. The father gave it to him, and the son went out and squandered it, ending up in a pig sty. Finally, Scripture says, the young man "came to himself." He recognized the insensibility of the pathway he'd walked and how foolish he'd been to leave home. He returned, humbled, thinking he would ask to be just a servant at his father's place.


Serge Roux-Levrat

As the number of suicide increases dramatically in the developed countries, both in the traditional sense, as well as in assisted suicide, many Christians are wondering what happens to believers who take their lives. As always, theologians are divided on this key question. However, if we look at it from the only angle we can – that of love and hope – we will find out that the answer is much more obvious than we think.


by: Serge Roux-Levrat

It is undeniable that a multitude of scriptures condemn sexual immorality and impurity. One of them is 1 Corinthians 6:18: "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." Other verses are: 1 Corinthians 6:9,1310:8Galatians 5:19-21Ephesians 5:3Colossians 3:5 and 1 Thessalonians 4:3. What we see in these scriptures is that God considers sex outside of marriage sexual immorality and that He has reserved sex for heterosexual couples; and not just for procreation purposes, but also for pleasure.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Top 10 Health Threats for Men

These are the worst of the worst -- the 10 most dangerous diseases for men. Every man needs to know what he's up against. The good news? Many are preventable.

Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest in Men

You've heard the terms a million times. But do you really know the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest? Here's what every guy needs to know.
Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest in Men

Infertility - Understanding Male Infertility : Sex Ed 101

Infertility has traditionally been thought of as a woman's problem. But as it turns out, we men don't get off that easily. About one out of every three cases of infertility is due to the man alone, and we're somehow involved in infertility about half the time.

A diagnosis of male infertility can be one of the hardest challenges a man can face. For some, it can be devastating. After all, the necessity of reproduction is one of the few things on which both Darwin and the Bible agree. Not being able to father a child can make a guy feel like he’s failing at one of his most primal responsibilities.

The 4 Dangers Destroying Men Today

And 1 Surprising Way To Increase Your Confidence, Boost Your Career & Have Women Drooling Over You 

Dear Friend, I have some bad news for you today... 

I'm not sure if there's a conspiracy behind it but these dangerous trends have been robbing you of the vitality, zest and success that you truly deserve... 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Five Romantic Needs of a Woman

A great lover must be committed to satisfying his wife’s unique needs.

by Dennis Rainey

I’m sure it comes as no shock, but men and women think of romance differently.

When asked to describe the purpose of romance, a woman will use words such as friendship, relationship, endearment, and tenderness. Given the same question, a man will answer with one of the shortest words in the English language—sex. For him, physical oneness and affirmation of his manhood equal romance.

What Do Women Want?

Doug Rosenau New Man Sexual Purity

Husbands desire to be great lovers with a truly skillful and passionate sex life. What happens that so many men fall short of this grand goal? Here are two of the most common skill deficits that sabotage these lofty dreams: (1) Men don't truly understand women; and (2) Men don't realize that they don't truly understand women.
These seven keys will unlock passion in your marriage.

Sex Is a Reflection of Oneness

Difficulties in a couple’s sex life often reflect deeper issues in their relationship.

by Dave Boehi

“I wish we would enjoy each other in bed more often, but my spouse rarely wants to make love. We have almost no sex life.”

When you just read that quote, did you assume that it was made by a man, or a woman? Conventional wisdom holds that husbands generally desire to have sex in their marriage more often than wives. But it appears that a growing number of marriages are experiencing the opposite problem, with wives frustrated that their husbands are uninterested in sexual relations.

Do Priests Masturbate?

And more importantly, sin or not, does their job allow them to?
By Stacey Grenrock Woods

Giorgio Fochesato/iStock

Do priests masturbate?

How Much Would You Pay for Nyotaimori (Body Sushi) in Japan? Try $12,000…

by Steven

Nyotaimori, or “female body presentation,” is the practice of serving sushi from the body of a naked woman.

Japanese Charity Breast-Squeeze!

by Bruce

A charity breast squeeze took place last weekend in Shinjuku, Tokyo as part of the “Erotica will Save the World” event.

Sex and the American Man: A Preview

Gentlemen, a show of hands: Who's having enough sex these days? We commissioned a nationwide survey to find out when (and where and why) American men are having sex right now, and the results reveal the expectations, frustrations, proclivities, perversions, and fantasies that define how we're doing it. Let's get started, shall we?

Diana Scheunemann

Do Skinny Jeans Really Lower Your Sperm Count?

Why you don't really have to worry about it. According to science.

By Stacey Grenrock Woods

sex in Skinny Jeans

John Cuneo

Monday, October 22, 2012

Can birth control pills make orgasms more difficult to achieve?

Q: Can birth control pills make orgasms more difficult to achieve?I'm 16 and I’ve been on birth control for a long time. I recently started taking a certain brand, and all of a sudden my ability to orgasm went away...but I had been able to masturbate to orgasm before with no problems. So I decided to switch pills again to see if that would fix the problem...but nothing’s changed, even though I’ve been on it for almost a whole pack. Are birth control pills ruining my orgasms? Will I ever get my orgasms back?

My husband cheated on me...he used a condom, but am I still at risk for STDs?

Q: My husband cheated on me...he used a condom, but am I still at risk for STDs?My husband just admitted that he cheated on me a few years ago. I know that after he did, I got some type of infection that the doctor cleared up with medication. He said he used a condom with the other woman. Could he have transmitted an STD from her to me even though he used a condom with her? Second, I might leave him...how long should I wait before having sex with someone new?

5 shocking sex facts


Sex can help you give a great speech

Before you get carried away, we are not suggesting you hop into bed with your boss or sleep with the entire audience. However, having sex can help ease those all too familiar and very dreaded pre-speech nerves. This theory was developed by the psychologist Stuart Brody, who asked 22 women and 22 men to keep sex diaries about their bedroom antics. The group of men and women then had to undertake stressful tasks, like public speaking and mental arithmetic tests. Brody found that the couples who had had penetrative sex were less stressed and their blood pressure levels returned to normal at more speed that the others. Sadly though, those who “did it” alone did not reap the calming benefits, so buddy up before your next big speech.

Can women get a disease or get sick from masturbating?

Can women get a disease or get sick from masturbating?

I’m a teenager and I’ve never had sex...but ever since my health class, I’m afraid that if I touch myself I’ll contract a disease. I have masturbated, but that’s it. For the past three days, I’ve had a stomach virus and I started to feel better today...but then I found a small red bump on my vagina lips really close to my pubic hair. It hurts a little, but not bad. Should I be worried?

Can pregnant women become infected with STDs?

STDs & Pregnancy - CDC Fact Sheet

Montage of pregnant women. Ask your doctor about STDs.Can pregnant women become infected with STDs?
Yes, women who are pregnant can become infected with the same sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as women who are not pregnant. Pregnancy does not provide women or their babies any protection against STDs. The consequences of an STD can be significantly more serious, even life threatening, for a woman and her baby if the woman becomes infected with an STD while pregnant. It is important that women be aware of the harmful effects of STDs and know how to protect themselves and their children against infection.

Is it possible to get STDs in a monogamous relationship?

Q: Is it possible to get STDs in a monogamous relationship?

I had unprotected sex before I met my current partner. I’m the first and the only partner of the person I’m with now. I recently went to a clinic to get myself tested and I have no STDs. If my partner and I just stick with each other (for sexual pleasure), can we still get an STD through unprotected intercourse or through unprotected oral sex?  

Do steroids affect sperm count?

Q: Do steroids affect sperm count?

Someday I want to have children with my boyfriend...but I’m concerned. He’s short, very muscular and he used to take steroids when he was younger (not anymore). Could his previous steroid use affect his sperm count and make him infertile? Also, his penis tilts to the side. Should I worry?


You’ve asked some good questions and you’re right: anabolic steroids can temporarily lower sperm counts and could potentially cause problems with fertility.