Sunday, October 28, 2012

Flowers that Get You In the Mood for Love


An extravagant bouquet of your favorite blooms, hand-delivered by your honey, might indeed make your thoughts turn to love…and lovemaking. But there’s another way that blossoms can put you in the mood for romance—because flower-derived oral remedies called “essences” and topical essential oils can enhance libido naturally.

I heard about these botanical passion-boosters from Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc, coauthor of the new book Great Sex, Naturally: Every Woman’s Guide to Enhancing Her Sexuality Through the Secrets of Natural Medicine. She explained that flower essences promote gentle emotional shifts, helping you feel relaxed…more fully present in the moment…or better able to let go of negative feelings that hinder your ability to enjoy sex.

The scents from certain essential oils evoke sensual feelings quite swiftly because your sense of smell bypasses your cerebral cortex (the rational part of your brain) and connects straight to your limbic system (your brain’s emotional center). Scents can help shift moods…promote emotions that enhance closeness and enjoyment…and heighten your partner’s attraction to you.

Look for the following flower products at health-food stores and online, and follow the instructions on the labels. They generally are safe for everyone and can be used by both women and men (but should be avoided by those who have a known allergy to any of the ingredients).

The power of flower essences…

Essences typically are taken in the form of drops or pellets placed under the tongue to dissolve. Try whichever one seems to best suit your needs, continuing for several days to several weeks to see if it helps. Once you have made the desired emotional shift, stop taking the remedy. Resume use if needed. Consider…

Pinus sylvestris. Made from pine flowers, this remedy is recommended if you feel uncomfortable letting yourself experience pleasure during intimacy—for example, because your upbringing was full of negative messages about sex. It also may be helpful for overcoming self-defeating thoughts or feelings of guilt.

Mimulus. This flower essence can help you gain courage and confidence if you experience trepidation surrounding intimacy—for instance, apprehension about your sexual performance or anxiety over a first sexual experience with a new partner.

Sensual essential oils…

With either of the essential oils below, you can apply one to three drops directly to your skin or combine with a dab of skin lotion or massage oil first. Apply to your inner thighs or between your breasts, Dr. Steelsmith suggested—but avoid your clitoris, vulva and other mucous membranes. Dab the oil on shortly before sex…or in the morning to set the mood for the day. Alluring options…

Ylang-ylang. The oil from these yellow blossoms produces a succulent, elegant perfume. According to some sources, Dr. Steelsmith said, it nourishes sexual chi by acting on the adrenal glands. Because ylang-ylang has both uplifting and calming qualities, it lessens feelings of anxiety about sex and helps create a relaxed, sensual atmosphere.

Jasmine. This oil emits a sweet, musky aroma that prompts the release of pleasure-supporting brain chemicals such as endorphins. It rouses passion…promotes sexual confidence…and helps establish an ambience of intimacy. Who knows? It just may be the secret to the most satisfying lovemaking of your life.

Source: Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc, is coauthor, with her husband, Alex Steelsmith, of the new book Great Sex, Naturally: Every Woman’s Guide to Enhancing Her Sexuality Through the Secrets of Natural Medicine (Hay House) and author of Natural Choices for Women’s Health: How the Secrets of Natural and Chinese Medicine Can Create a Lifetime of Wellness (Three Rivers). Dr. Steelsmith maintains a private practice in naturopathic and Chinese medicine in Honolulu and is an advisory board member forHealthyWoman from Bottom

Crushed with a Purpose

When our life is hit by crushing circumstances, we may feel lost, hopeless, or be troubled by anger and despair. Scripture tells us that God not only allows suffering, but also provides a purpose for our trials. 

Crushed with a Purpose
Oh my, you should see the roses in my backyard!

Hi I'm Joni Eareckson Tada and this June, I have been picking and plucking my Double Delight roses; in fact, take a minute when you have the chance and go to my radio page at would you, because I’ve posted a photo of these incredibly beautiful roses. 

Over the last month, I’ve been asking friends to help me cut a few stems and place them in a vase or two around the house. Earlier this week, I placed a single stem of peach-colored roses in my bathroom, and this morning when I was getting up, I noticed that little arrangement had just about had it. A bunch of the petals were lying on the bathroom counter, but as my friend reached to sweep them up in her hand to trash them, I said, "Wait a minute; here, crush a couple of these petals and let me smell." 

My friend went ahead and smashed them between her fingers, cupped the torn petals in her hand, and lifted them to my face. I inhaled and, oh, what a glorious scent: like some expensive perfume, it was. Intoxicating: that something dying, something torn and crushed could exude such sweetness. Wow!

And that metaphor was not lost on me. It reminded me of one of my favorite lines by an anonymous author who wrote:

In the closing moments of this age, the Lord will have a people whose sole purpose for living is to please God with their lives. The Lord will take them farther and through more pain and conflicts than other believers. Outwardly, they'll seem ‘smitten of God, and afflicted,’ as it says in Isaiah 53, yet to God, they are His beloved. When they are crushed, like the petals of a flower, they will exude a worship, the fragrance of which is so beautiful and rare that angels will weep in quiet awe at their surrender to the Lord. 
Wow, that’s a beautiful quote! And I have to ask, is that you? Could I be describing you today? Do you feel the overwhelming pressure of being plucked and crushed? I know I sometimes do. 

I’ve told you before: I deal with pain now and then, and the other week it was a sinus infection. Like, hello? But years in this wheelchair have taught me there’s a rhyme, there’s a reason, there’s a plan and purpose. 

And my life—your life—is to please God: to exude the fragrance of a life yielded, submitted, acquiesced, surrendered and deferred to Him, and to do it so sweetly, not with a sour disposition; not with dragging your feet, but no, with a sweet surrender. No room for an attitude that grumbles and whines. Nothing pleasing when you smile on one hand, but on the other, are simmering with resentment deep down inside.

Our guide is Ephesians chapter 5, verses 1-2 where it says, “Be imitators of God, therefore … just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” 

Friend, did you get that? You and I are to be imitators of the Lord Jesus who if He gave Himself up as a fragrant offering, should we do or be any less? When we feel crushed by painful trials, it should help to know we are cupped in His hand. 

So, friend, today you just may be one of those petals of a flower that God is crushing. Yes, it will hurt but, can you exude the fragrance of worship? Will you? 

And, hey, I would really like to hear from you on this topic—especially if you need prayer in the midst of a crushing time. Just go to my radio page at and post your comments: how we can pray for you, what your needs are. 

Let your confidence in God be a sacrificial offering, because you are one of the highly beloved of the Lord!

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