Monday, October 15, 2012

The God of Your Buried Dreams

The God of Surprises
Photo by Rebecca Barlow Jordan
God is not only the God of your buried dreams. He’s also the God of surprises.

Whether you’re writer, a reader, a parent, a grandparent, a single, a spouse, or a senior–I hope you’ll find a piece of encouragement in this short post that will lift you up. At the end of the blog, I’ll explain the picture from my garden that inspired it.

The God of Your Buried Dreams

Rebecca Barlow Jordan

“I’m here! I’m here!”
We cry for a voice that begs to be heard,
a light in the world’s winter darkness.
Is anyone there? Does no one hear?
And we struggle to bury our fear.
We dig, and we plant, and we cut, and we watch
for a sign that there’s more still to come.
Black turns to bleak, but we still hold on
to a hope that will not say, “I’m done!”
And the seasons pass by, pushing dreams further down,
leaving hearts, barren and brown.
“I’m here! I’m here!” But our words fade away,
lost in a sky filled with gray.
Too many voices, too many days
of effort, wasted in vain.
No one hears; no one cares; something ventured, nothing gained.
“Give it up!” Then we look out, amazed.
“I’m here! I’m here!” I’ve always been near!
Surprise is my specialty!
You’ll reap what I planted deep in the soil
of your heart–soon you will see.”
And we silence our voice to hear His, once again:
“I’m here–in your joy and your pain…”
We smile as we see God’s surprise peeking through—
“Dreams grow better when drenched by the rain.”
Inspired by My Garden

I walked out to my garden today and found a sweet surprise. We’ve had soaring temperatures for several weeks now, and only a few sprinkles of moisture. My perennials needed the nourishment only a long drink of heaven’s pitcher could pour out.

Guess what! Yesterday it rained–hard! I “planted” the “Love” hanger in my garden (see the picture above) last spring, along with numerous perennial flowers. The garden is beginning to show signs of fading as Fall covets its own voice of “I’m here!”

But the plant behind the “Love” grew up unannounced–and not planted by me (unless a squirrel thought it was an acorn and buried it there.) It looks like a daffodil or an iris that seems to have pushed through the brown earth overnight. A fun surprise!

Isn’t it just like God to take our buried dreams and replant His own, tailor made surprises–just when we need them the most? I don’t know about you, but it was a message I needed to hear today. I pray it spoke to you as well!
We’ll never comprehend all the great things he does; his miracle-surprises can’t be counted. (Job 9:10, MSG)

My Prayer for You

God, You truly are the God of our buried hopes and dreams. Thank You for nurturing and planting Your own love in our hearts, and for Your unending faithfulness. I love Your surprises, Lord! Touch those today who need to know You’re always there; You always care; and that You long to encourage them in their joys or in their pain, with the comforting words only You can speak.
Day-votedly Yours,

It’s Your Turn to Comment

What about you? What does this poem or picture say to you? Has God surprised you lately? Please add your comments below. You will not be hounded, prodded, or automatically added to my mailing list if you do so. Feel free to email this Christian blog to someone or to re-post on FacebookTwitter, or other social media, using the buttons below. If you want to re-post any of my blogs on your own blog or website, please contact me for permission first. And if you’d like to, you can sign up for my blog/newsletter and updates through e-mail at the top of this website page/sidebar. Your e-mail address will never be sold or given to anyone!


Rebecca Barlow Jordan is a best-selling inspirational author and speaker who loves to share God’s words of encouragement with others. She has authored or co-authored 11 books, including her newest devotional series: Day-votions® for WomenDay-votions® for Mothers, and Day-votions® for Grandmothers. Rebecca also wrote 40 Days in God’s Presence and 40 Days in God’s Blessing, as well as two best-selling series: the Daily in Your Presence series, which included the printing of a large, gift-boxed journal, and co-authored the Courage for the Chicken Hearted series. Her other books include At Home in My Heart, and Marriage Toners, a book she co-authored with her husband. She has also contributed to numerous other book publications, including Guidepost’s Mornings with Jesus 2013, In the Garden with GodChristmas with God, and three other Guidepostbooks.
You may have seen one of Rebecca’s inspirational greeting cards in Christian bookstores or gift shops. She has sold over 1700 greeting cards, stories, devotionals, inspirational poems, calendars, and articles to publications such as Home LifeDiscipleship JournalMarriage PartnershipFocus on the Family, and others. Rebecca also authored a series of children’s devotionals and a 365-day calendar, In His Image.
Rebecca married Larry, her high school sweetheart. As a minister’s wife, she has been teaching Bible studies and encouraging others since their first country church over thirty-five years ago (home of “Miz Gordy” and the source of many lighthearted—and chickenhearted episodes.) Rebecca has also taught at writers’ conferences and has worked with women’s ministry and discipleship. She and her husband Larry have two married daughters and sons-in-law and four grandchildren and make their home in East Texas.
In 2008, Rebecca was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award from Hardin-Simmons University where she attended. She has been a newspaper columnist and church deaf interpreter and has won two American Christian Writer’s Awards. Rebecca is a Speak Up graduate (Carol Kent), a member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), and has been interviewed on numerous national radio stations.
Rebecca also enjoys gardening, photography, spending time with family, reading great fiction, fishing with her husband–and learning more about God’s heart.

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