Friday, August 10, 2012

Finding Healing After Divorce

Living the Dream 
Living the Dream

“You’re supposed to have Pine Sol here. Is that so hard?” Running a home seemed like a piece of cake. After all, many young girls dreamed of just that: a perfect husband, loving children, and a peaceful home to run — a happy every after fairy tale. 

On the outside, Shana is smiling and keeping up appearances. On the inside, she is screaming at the top of her lungs. With every fibre of her being, she loved her husband and gave her best effort to make things work. Enveloped in a sea of despair, when can you say enough is enough? Realizing the importance of the relationship that fills her every need and desire, Shana found strength to turn over a new leaf. Watch the video
I couldn’t have loved anyone any harder than I loved my ex-husband but somewhere along the line he stopped liking me and he let me know it. For a while I tried to pretend. Maybe you know what that feels like? You try to act like you’re fine, like you’re happy when you’re slowly dying inside. Watch the video

If you are facing a divorce, know this: Jesus will fill your brokenness. He’ll be whatever is missing. It may not be the family that you envisioned, but when you look at God first, everything, every thing, falls into place.

Take the next step:
Starting Over: How to live an unfamiliar life
Does God feel far away? Start here.
If you’d like to talk to someone, mentors are available every day.

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