The life of a Jesus follower is very similar to a successful marriage.
It begins with the joining together of two who desire to live together forever. It continues to persevere through both the easy times and the rough times. It is a relationship based on love, trust, commitment and friendship.
It is far more than a one-time decision. That will only get a man and woman through the honeymoon or a "new Christian" through a few Sunday services. When the rubber hits the road and the challenges come into the relationship, it will either grow stronger and last or grow weaker and break up.
Have you experienced a marriage relationship that continues to go forward after many years together? Have you experienced a personal relationship with Jesus that is rock solid and presses on in spite of disappointments and trials? Don't let anyone sell you a bill of goods about marriage or about Christianity. It is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those who quit important relationships when things get tough.
Getting a quick "decision for Christ" may last no longer than a single date between a man and woman or a couple months of marriage. Jesus didn't tell his followers to go and get decisions. He said to go and make disciples. Many people fall off the wagon along the way. It feels too tough for them to remain committed to their spouse or committed to Christ and so they decide to give up.
The life of discipleship and the life of a successful marriage is only experienced after hardship is endured. Until then, you don't really know what you have there. You may have a decision for Jesus. You may have an engagement or a wedding ceremony. But until you weather the storms that will come, you don't really have a relationship that is proven. Time will tell.
Will your commitment to your spouse and to your Savior endure even when you don't get your way? What will happen between the two of you when the bottom falls out and your dreams seem to be crushed? In that period, you will either enter a permanent relationship, or you will quit and give up and go back to living alone.
Christianity and marriage were never instituted by God to only last until one of the parties decides to move on. That is not biblical Christianity. That is not Christian marriage. That is not much different than a one-night stand or a one-time decision.
Are you willing to commit to a relationship with Christ or to a Christian marriage that will endure even through the tough times? If not, then you might as well not even enter into that relationship at all. It won't do anybody any good in the long run.
Have you experienced a marriage relationship that continues to go forward after many years together? Have you experienced a personal relationship with Jesus that is rock solid and presses on in spite of disappointments and trials? Don't let anyone sell you a bill of goods about marriage or about Christianity. It is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those who quit important relationships when things get tough.
Getting a quick "decision for Christ" may last no longer than a single date between a man and woman or a couple months of marriage. Jesus didn't tell his followers to go and get decisions. He said to go and make disciples. Many people fall off the wagon along the way. It feels too tough for them to remain committed to their spouse or committed to Christ and so they decide to give up.
The life of discipleship and the life of a successful marriage is only experienced after hardship is endured. Until then, you don't really know what you have there. You may have a decision for Jesus. You may have an engagement or a wedding ceremony. But until you weather the storms that will come, you don't really have a relationship that is proven. Time will tell.
Will your commitment to your spouse and to your Savior endure even when you don't get your way? What will happen between the two of you when the bottom falls out and your dreams seem to be crushed? In that period, you will either enter a permanent relationship, or you will quit and give up and go back to living alone.
Christianity and marriage were never instituted by God to only last until one of the parties decides to move on. That is not biblical Christianity. That is not Christian marriage. That is not much different than a one-night stand or a one-time decision.
Are you willing to commit to a relationship with Christ or to a Christian marriage that will endure even through the tough times? If not, then you might as well not even enter into that relationship at all. It won't do anybody any good in the long run.
Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Neb. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.
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