In 1990 the atrocities committed against the people of Kuwait roused our nation to righteous indignation. President George Bush announced, "This aggression-.-.-.-will not stand."
While the Iraqi army continued laying mine fields and stringing barbed wire, armaments and supplies began arriving from America, Europe, and Africa, accompanied by soldiers, ships, and aircraft. Differences in uniforms, languages, customs, and manners faded as the soldiers became Desert Shield. The world had seen the outrages, and now the world had a cause.
In these last days, multitudes of nations are again gathering behind a shield. Differences in dress, language, customs, songs, and worship fade as the remnant church of Jesus Christ unites behind the shield of faith. We are preparing to go forth into battle against the devil's forces. The church has seen the outrage, and the church has a cause.
You have a cause. It is not to make others righteous. It is not to change the world, though your cause will do all of that. Your cause is Jesus. Make Him your cause today.
Jesus, You are the reason for every season
in my life. You are my life and my
life's cause. Amen.
in my life. You are my life and my
life's cause. Amen.
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